Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Social Work and Shifting Priorities of Our Modern World

Our world is constantly changing. We live in a time and place in which value is placed on the next innovation, the speed with which we can achieve our goals and daily tasks, and quick and easy fixes for every day problems and crises. Despite the constant growth in technology and new developments in science and the medical field, the code we cannot seem to crack is the one that leads to a prosperous, healthy, happy life for all our citizens. While much attention is paid to war and the threat of terrorism from abroad, there is little focus on the very real, disastrous things happening in our own country. Poverty, racism, classism, and inadequate resources for our most vulnerable citizens has not gone away. Innovation has not existed in this area. With the priorities of our politicians so often shifting away from these issues, it falls on the shoulders of the social work profession to create change and advocate for these individuals and the challenges they face.

Take the current water crisis in Flint, Michigan, for example. The state and local government went for months allowing their residents (a vast majority living below the national poverty line and being people of color) to drink water with lead in it to save money. This incident is bringing into the national spotlight once again that communities that are low-income with minority populations do not get the respect and attention they deserve, especially in times of crisis.

So often racism and classism is not as overt as the situation in Flint. It is insidious. In order for change to occur in these communities within the framework of our modern world and its shifting priorities, we must mobilize community members effected by these issues to be advocates. The role of social workers must be to empower these individuals by finding ways in which their voices can be heard. This is truly how community practice must function in order to be successful. 


  1. I personally have a difficult time discussing what is going on in Michigan without letting my emotions become uncontrollable. I think part of this lack of ability to control my reactions is because that could easily be me and my family. I see myself in many of these residents because we look the same, I could be a Flint resident doing my best to raise my family and have limited or no ability to have a voice. As a student of social work I am outraged and feel a very strong call to action. This situation serves as a reminder that oppressive behaviors are not only tolerated in the United States, they are also encouraged in too many places.

    How can this happen, many of us ask? It has ALWAYS happened to certain groups, it is now just becoming so much more apparent.

    Nice blog, I enjoyed reading your thoughts,

  2. I really like your point about how American's are all hanging onto every word about what is happening abroad and ignoring what is happening right here in our own back yard. Too often people make comments about needing to go to war, rather impulsively if you ask me, under the guise of "protect our citizens." But the biggest threat right now to American citizens, is America. A government that will poison it's citizens is a corrupt one. The amount of people you talk to who rationalize this is horrifying. I think something needs to be said about the media coverage too. Terrorism keeps our minds off more imminent issues.

    I look forward to reading more of your blogs!
